Focus on ...

The nurse, a profession of commitment and expertise

The general care nurse is the reference person for the patient throughout his/her stay in a care institution. He/she assures, guides, supervises and surrounds the patient.

The work of the general care nurse is very diverse:

  • he/she is the first contact person for the patient on admission.
  • he/she establishes and manages the patient's care file.
  • he/she works in close collaboration with doctors and other health professionals.
  • he/she carries out care independently and on medical prescription.

Human contact and communication are very important both with the patient and his/her family circle.
The nurse is also involved in:

  • guidance of healthy and sick people, so that they maintain or regain their health.
  • the supervision and training of students and/or new employees.
  • research in the field of health care.

The course of the training

  • Duration: 4 years of which 2 years under the aegis of the Ministry of National Education and 2 years under the aegis of the Ministry of higher Education.

The Bachelors Sciences Infirmières - Specialisations
(training courses accessible to holders of a diploma of general care nurse):

  • assistant technique médical de chirurgie
  • infirmier en anesthésie et réanimation
  • infirmier en pédiatrie
  • infirmier psychiatrique

Other BTS Health Professions
(courses accessible to holders of a general or classical secondary school diploma):

  • assistant technique médical de radiologie
  • sage-femme

More info in our brochure "Etudes et métiers: professions de santé", on the website of the Lycée pour Professions de Santé LTPS and on the website of the University of Luxembourg.  

Find your profession

Do you already have a specific profession in mind or on the contrary, are you hesitating between different fields? The ministry of higher Education and Research has put together a series of job descriptions to help you make your choice. You will find a lot of information on the professions, the training courses that prepare you for them in the different countries, access to the profession, videos, numerous links to official sites etc. 

Go to the website  common information on professions in Luxembourg Beruffer Anelo.  The professions are listed by field and in alphabetical order. Watch the many videos in Luxembourgish, French or German depending on the professional featured!

Orientation tests

in French:

in German:

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