Brevets de technicien supérieur (BTS)

Short cycle programme

The Brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS) is a higher education short cycle study programme that lasts in principle 2 years (minimum 120 ECTS). A BTS is a higher education qualification with a professional purpose that meets the needs of companies. Luxembourg currently offers 40 BTS in the following fields: commerce, health, industry, applied arts, crafts and services.

The higher BTS professional diploma can be obtained through basic study, but also (in part) through the recognition of prior educational or professional experience (VAE - Validation des acquis de l'expérience).

Programmes and enrolment

Use our search engine to find your study programme. Registration periods and procedures vary from one course to another! 

2 new BTS programmes in 2024-2025

  • Applied Artificial Intelligence LAM
  • Production industrielle automatisée LPEM

Obtaining a Bachelor's degree after a BTS

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