Foreign grants
- one scholarship for a one-year Master programme
- Application directly to the College of Europe
- deadline for applications: 15.01.
Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMBWF)
- Grants for students, doctoral candidates and researchers
- Further information: (in German and English)
College of Europe in Bruges (and in Natolin and Tirana)
- one scholarship per campus for a one-year Master programme
- Application directly to the College of Europe
- deadline for applications: 15.01.
Canada - Québec
Additional tuition fee waiver scholarships
Under the cooperation agreement signed between Quebec and Luxembourg, the Government of Quebec grants Luxembourg students ten scholarships exempting them from additional tuition fees. In principle, one additional tuition fee waiver is offered for the bachelor's level, six for the master's level and three for the doctorate level. The waivers are allocated for the regular duration of a study programme. As a result, not all ten waivers are available every academic year.
Students benefiting from an additional tuition fee waiver pay the same tuition fees as a Quebec student, and not the increased fees due by international students.
The selection is based on academic as well as social criteria.
Eligibility criteria:
- be of Luxembourg nationality
- be admitted to a university in Quebec
- be enrolled full-time in a cycle of undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate studies
Delay for submitting the application:
- 30.09. if the study cycle starts in the winter term (January) of the current academic year
- 30.04. if the study cycle begins in the autumn term (August) of the following academic year
Application procedures:
Application file to be sent to the Ministry of Research and Higher Education, Postal address: B.P. 1101 L-1011 Luxembourg; Mention: International Scholarships or electronically to
The application will include the following documents :
- Application Form (Pdf, 769 Kb) for the allocation of additional tuition fee exemptions duly completed and signed;
- Copy of identity card/passport;
- Proof of admission to a program of study at a Quebec university-level educational institution;
- Copy of high school diploma, including transcript;
- Transcripts of all semesters of higher education (if applicable);
- Copy of previously obtained higher education degree(s) (if applicable);
- Recent household income certificate issued by the Administration des Contributions Directes. If the income certificate indicates "non imposable par voie d'assiette", please also attach all annual salary, pension or unemployment certificates for the year preceding the application, issued by the employer, pension fund, etc. of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. For persons who are not taxable in the Grand Duchy, the annual income must be supported by documentary evidence from the competent authorities.
The income certificate is not required, if you have already provided it in the context of an application for state financial aid for higher education.
For more information:
Scholarship "France Excellence Europa"
Scholarship for a Master's degree at a French university.
Further information on Campusfrance
The German Academic Exchange Service DAAD offers various funding options for summer schools in Germany, Master programmes in Germany as well as one-year grants for doctoral candidates, grants for research stays and a re-invitation programme for former scholarship holders.
Further information can be found in the scholarship database of DAAD.
European University Institute in Florence
- two scholarships for doctoral studies/research
- disciplines: law, history and civilisations, economics, political and social sciences
- application directly to the European University Institute
- deadline for applications: 31.01.
- 2 scholarships: 1 for university studies: Bachelor (duration 5 - 7 years) and 1 for postgraduate studies: Master and PhD (duration 2 years)
- deadline for application: 07.06.2024
- Embassy of Japan Luxembourg, Tel: 46415151
- Postal address: B.P.92 L-2010, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Cultural Section)
- Email :
- selection based on file and interview
- costs covered by the scholarship : monthly allowance + transport costs + accommodation the 1st year of university studies
Documents to download from the "Study in Japan" website.
- scholarships for bachelors, masters and PhD
- information and application via the Enic Kazakhstan website
The Government of Mexico offers scholarships to international students who want to pursue a specialization, master or PhD programme, a research stay or a study mobility in one of the participating Mexican institutions.
- Application deadline: 28 June 2024
- Further information:
Contact :
College of Europe in Natolin (and in Bruges and Tirana)
- one scholarship per campus for a one-year Master programme
- Application directly to the College of Europe
- deadline for applications: 15.01.
1. "Eugen Ionescu" scholarships
- PhD and postdoctoral mobility grants
- application online until 20 January 2025 on the website of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie
2. Scholarships for non-EU students
- scholarships for university studies (all fields, except medicine, dentistry and pharmacy)
- Deadline for application: 16 March 2024
- Further information and link to the application platform on the website of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- mobility grants for international students
- students at the end of their undergraduate, masters or doctoral studies
- application deadline: 31.10. (summer semester) / 30.04. (winter semester)
- online application on NSP
Taiwan Scholarship
- for a Bachelor's, Master's or PhD programme at a university of your choice in Taiwan
- for students of Luxembourg or Belgian nationality
- further information: Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium
Huayu Enrichment Scholarship
- to learn Mandarin in a language centre of your choice in Taiwan for 2, 3, 6 or 9 months
- for students of Luxembourg or Belgian nationality
- further information: Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium
- scholarships for university studies (bachelor, master, doctorate)
- online application on: Turkiyeburslari
- more info: Turkiyeburslari
Fulbright grants
Fulbright awards fund Belgian and Luxembourgish citizens to study, research, or lecture at an accredited U.S. institution for a period between three months and one year. Grants are available for graduate study and research in all fields of study.
Application deadline: 1. December
Procedure: online application on Fulbright
Scholarships to attend Miami University in Ohio
Miami University offers scholarships that cover full tuition fees or reduce tuition fees to an in-state level either at the undergraduate level or at post-graduate level for each academic year. An additional $5,000 grant is available for students with financial need. To be eligible for the scholarship, students must have completed their secondary or higher education in Luxembourg.
2 steps are needed:
1) Apply to Miami University here: (deadline April 1st)
2) For the Scholarship Application, the following documents should be submitted to by April 1st:
• Transcripts of records of previous studies
• Motivation statement
• 3 letters of recommendation by teaching staff members (to be submitted directly by the teaching staff members to the above mentioned address)
• Proof of online enrolment at Miami University
Ministère de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement supérieur
- Address:
- 18-20, montée de la Pétrusse L-2327 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247-85135
Last update